
Upper Haythog Farm is located in Spittal,

five miles North of Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire

and has been the home to the Scale family since 1946.

It has always been a traditional mixed farm

with enterprises including sheep, cereals , potatoes and turkeys.

The farm has mainly been run as an arable unit with the sheep being restricted to land that was deemed unusable for ploughing.

    The farm runs to 380 acres

with additional 100 acres rented each year

for Pembrokeshire Potato production.

In recent years the focus has been on Potato production

which now runs to approximately 170 acres which has resulted in

a considerable investment in grading and storage facilities.

All potatoes are marketed through Puffin Produce packhouse

which is situated in Haverfordwest where they are distributed to all

major supermarkets throughout Wales.

The Turkey enterprise has been in operation for over sixty years

and is focused on supplying up to 3000 birds for the Christmas market

throughout South Wales using butcher retailers and farm gate sales.


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